LE/EECS 3101A: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Fall 2022
Basic Information
Instructor: Aditya Potukuchi
Time: TR 4:00PM-5:30PM, LSB103
Tutorial: F 4:00PM-5:30PM, LSB105
Office Hours: Friday 2:45PM-3:45PM or by appointment LAS 3030
Sep 8: Course introduction, Loop Invariants; Reading CLRS Ch 1, Ch 2.1.
Sep 13: Loop Invariants recap, introduction to asymptotic notation; Reading: CLRS Ch 2.1, Ch 3.1
Sep 15: O() notation; reading: CLRS Ch 3
Sep 20: Introduction to Divide and Conquer, MergeSort, Master Theorem; Reading: CLRS Ch 2.3, Ch 4
Sep 22: Karatsuba's Multiplication algorithm; Reading: Wikipedia page on Karatsuba's algorithm
Sep 27: Runtime analysis, Strassen's Algorithm; Reading: CLRS Ch 28.2